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Don Brewster, a former pastor from California, is the founder and director of Agape International Missions, an organization dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating the victims of child trafficking in Cambodia and smashing the networks that exploit them. A new future Not long after her suicide attempt, Toha was sent to a brothel in southern Cambodia. Most families here scrape by on less than a dollar a day, leaving no safety net for when things go wrong — such as when Kieu's father fell seriously ill with tuberculosis, too sick to maintain the nets that contained their livelihood. Cambodia's hidden child brothels Karaoke bars are a common front for child prostitution.
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Research suggests some of the Asian perpetrators are "virginity seekers," for whom health-related beliefs around the supposedly restorative or protective qualities of virgins factor into their interest in child sex. Caden Conrique General Pictures. Callan Farris General Pictures. She would not do the same again, she says, as she now has access to better support; Agape International Missions offers interest-free loan refinancing to get families out of the debt trap, and factory jobs for rescued daughters and their mothers.
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