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During this time, Lisbeth deduced that Asuna was in love, and made Asuna promise to bring her new lover to the shop some time later. Following four more battles with the spiders, Asuna, Kirito, and Kizmel located the cave that served as their nest. Default equipment with the Stacia account. Your email address will not be published.
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Anna - Eva - Rosa - Sophie - Tanya - Tohma. Save 0. Copy the shoes - if possible you can purchase kids school ankle boots flat ones and spray paint them white and with the fabric paint paint on the design of Asuna's shoes by eye. Two weeks later on November 7, , they were called back by Heathcliff who explained that the next floor boss had been found, but was stronger than anticipated, as it had killed half of the members in the scouting party, while the other half were locked out of the boss room. On her way to the inn's communal bath past , Asuna noticed the boy surreptitiously leaving his own room, fully outfitted in his combat gear.