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Slovak Academic Press, Bratislava ". Research in this area has concentrated almost exclusively on attempts to prove that the ejaculate is not urine, [53] [54] measuring substances such as urea , creatinine , prostatic acid phosphatase PAP , prostate specific antigen PSA , [13] glucose and fructose [55] levels. Retrieved 4 February Research has attempted to use chemicals that are excreted in the urine so that any urinary contamination can be detected.
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One approach is to use a chemical like methylene blue so that any urinary component can be detected. Asian amateur squirting and fucked in the ass by a dildo , Perez-Conchillo ed. When you apply pressure to these areas, it can push the urethra and all that erectile tissue around it forward a little bit.
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Published: 09.05.2017 в 23:06


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