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Incest taboo
Incest, Information about Incest
In addition, most perpetrators are considerably olderthan their victims, are predominately male, and who on the average abuse at more serious and traumatic levels than do female perpetrators. By clicking Continue, I agree to the Privacy Policy. Change password.
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Young men entering the age system would then find a dire shortage of marriageable girls, and extended families would be in danger of dying out. Parent-child incest, which in most cases means father- or stepfather-daughter involvement, is consistently reported as the most damaging type of incest, followed by sibling incest perpetrated by brothers. He argued that, in "primitive" societies, marriage is not fundamentally a relationship between a man and a woman, but a transaction involving a woman that forges a relationship—an alliance—between two men. The usual pattern is for the sexual activity to escalate. Sometimes they develop work schedules that allow themto avoid interacting with one another on much more than a superficial level.